Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I absolutely adore cuff bracelets.

What I adore even more is making them.

I think I've found quite a niche for myself here, it's a piece that I love making and seems to emit the love I put into it.

It all starts with my wire frame. I can immediately get inspiration by looking at the frame and imagining it filled with the glorious beads and semi-precious stones I have at hand.

I now have 3 that I've created that I am so proud of.

Eldwenne's Cluster Cuff Bracelet I:

Eldwenne's Cluster Cuff Bracelet II:

And the latest: Eldwenne's Cluster Cuff Bracelet III:

Give me a reason to make more, I am in love with making these things!!!

Check them all out at www.eldwenne.etsy.com

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