Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I absolutely adore cuff bracelets.

What I adore even more is making them.

I think I've found quite a niche for myself here, it's a piece that I love making and seems to emit the love I put into it.

It all starts with my wire frame. I can immediately get inspiration by looking at the frame and imagining it filled with the glorious beads and semi-precious stones I have at hand.

I now have 3 that I've created that I am so proud of.

Eldwenne's Cluster Cuff Bracelet I:

Eldwenne's Cluster Cuff Bracelet II:

And the latest: Eldwenne's Cluster Cuff Bracelet III:

Give me a reason to make more, I am in love with making these things!!!

Check them all out at www.eldwenne.etsy.com

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Eldwenne's Fantasy

I've been BLOGGED!

A truly lovely blogger, Made by Mama, has graciously blogged about my shop, Eldwenne's Fantasy!

I will be featured for an entire week and have provided a jewelry set for her to give away to one of her readers!

I am extremely excited about this!

Monday, May 10, 2010

I Love Charm Bracelets!

Who would’ve thought that something as simple as a charm bracelet could so accurately capture one’s personality??

I fell into designing charm bracelets a couple of years ago when I was torn over what to get a dear friend of mine. Her interests were eclectic, which made honing in on one particular thing or another almost impossible.
It occurred to me that if I could find one thing that would incorporate all of her interests, I’d have it made. And Eldwenne’s Charm Bracelets were born!!

You can find charms that represent practically any interest. For example, I had a bracelet I designed for a teacher who loved math, tv, her nephew, the color green, and steampunk. I was able to create a bracelet for her that incorporated every one of her interests! For her love of math – a calculator
For her Nephew – a little boy
For the color green – a green Swarovski crystal as well as strands of green and silver beads between each charm.
For her love of tv - a tv (easy enough!)
For her love of Steampunk – some large (14mm) gears

There’s something for everyone!

One of the most memorable charm bracelets I made were for a couple of moms-to-be. These two women were adopting a baby together.
I thought that was such a beautiful event, I was immediately inspired. I took three Swarovski crystal hearts, each in the birthstones of the moms and the baby. I put the baby’s birthstone in between the two moms’.

I made two of these matching bracelets, plus a smaller one for when their daughter gets a little older and can wear it herself.
It was truly an honor to be a part of such a lovely event!

I get my charms from a variety of vendors because each person I design a bracelet for is so different. Not one place can provide me with everything.
I find that the more bracelets I design, the more outgoing they become. I used to stick to just charms on a chain.

Then I graduated to charms with some Swarovski crystal hearts to represent birthstones.

Next I began to add even more color with strings of beads. It is SO MUCH FUN to do!

I would really love to create a bunch of Wiccan-themed charm bracelets. I’d use hollow charms where one could store an essential oil or sage, for example.

That’s my next project, actually. It’ll take some time before I can get that going, but I’d love to see those come to fruition!